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Golden Teacher – Magic Mushrooms


The Golden Teacher strain of Psilocybe Cubensis magic mushrooms is most likely the safest and mildest. It is appropriate for both new and seasoned psychonauts. It is always a matter of dose. For newcomers, the Golden Teacher’s gentle approach might lead to an infinite spiritual journey. It still has plenty to offer experienced users of magic mushrooms, as bigger doses produce better effects.

Here’s what makes Golden Teacher unique:

  • Fascinating golden cap and appearance;
  • Slow and safe trips without colorful hallucinations, but with deep spiritual experience;
  • A long history of safe usage for therapeutic needs.

The journeys of Golden Teachers, like those of other magical mushrooms, are life-changing. On higher doses, they stimulate self-discovery as well as ego breakdown. With the proper “set and setting,” you will have a consistent trip and altered state of consciousness lasting at least 4 hours.




Golden Teacher – Appearance

Colorful, yellowish appearance is what really makes Golden Teachers stand out and worth their name. Unlike other magic mushrooms, they have an elegant “skirt” when matured.

  • Size: above average, 3-8 inches (7-20 cm) tall;
  • Cap: bell-shaped when growing, flat with cracked edges at maturity; gradient colored — brighter on the edges and dark brown in the middle, has beautiful yellowish-golden speckles that remind freckles; 2-4 inches (6-8cm) in diameter;
  • Stem: usually proportionally thinner than a cap, long, yellowish with white flesh inside; straight and tight, can be wider at the bottom; grows a skirt when matured.

Even when dried, Golden Teacher saves its proud golden shade. You can buy Golden Teacher online in Canada in our store and get the most beautiful, carefully picked and dried mushrooms.

Golden Teacher – Origins

Franklin Sumner Earle, an American mycologist, and scientist, discovered the cubensis fungus as a species in 1906 on the island of Cuba, north of the Caribbean Sea. He classified it as Stropharia. The word “cubensis” in the title means “Cuban” and alludes to the location where the species was discovered. Rolf Singer, a German biologist, assigned it to the genus Psilocybe in his 1948 publication in the journal Sydowia. The origin of the Golden Teacher strain is uncertain. The Golden Teacher is thought to have appeared in the late 1980s in the Florida desert in the United States. This fungus quickly gained popularity due to its ease of cultivation and pleasant travel.

Golden Teacher – Dosage

Low golden instructor doses are ideal for beginners since they can gently push them behind the brains and “me” curtains. To say the least, many mushroom connoisseurs see Golden Teacher mushrooms as transforming. Here are our recommendations for dry mushroom doses to ensure that your trip goes as planned.

  • Microdose to start a life-altering journey is 0,3 – 0,7 grams;
  • A minimal recreational dose of 0,7 to 1,2 grams makes you feel happier and more relaxed;
  • Full recreational: 1,2 grams to 2,2 grams cure your body and soul;
  • High dose 2,2 grams to 3,4 grams for a deep journey into yourself;
  • Heroic: everything behind 4 grams is considered to be dangerous, even for experienced users.

There is no ideal dose for any given effect. It is determined by the quality of the mushroom, your inner condition, the set you are in, and a variety of other variables. We recommend starting with a little amount of magic mushroom, waiting an hour or two, and then gradually increasing the quantity to discover your “sweet spot.” DMT’s effects are noticed in seconds and last about 30 minutes, making it an effective and predictable method for relieving stress and quickly returning to work.

Golden Teacher – Administration

There is no more proper way to consume mushrooms than by eating them. Psilocybin, which is found in magic mushrooms, spontaneously degrades into Psilocin, the hallucinogenic component. The flavor of Golden Teacher is sweet and sour and prolific, and you can expect nothing but a rich taste of mushrooms in the fullest sense. If you dislike the flavor of mushrooms but still want to get to know yourself better, here are some suggestions:

  • Make mushroom pieces as small as possible;
  • Eat them on an empty stomach to get stronger effects faster;
  • Add your magic shrooms to any cold dish you like.

We don’t recommend using mushrooms in hot foods, such as tea or soup, because high temperatures “break” psilocybin, rendering your entire mushroom pack ineffective in a psychedelic sense. Furthermore, we have a massive supply of high-quality mushroom edibles that taste sweet while providing the same effects.

Golden Teacher – Safety & Efficiency Rules

The most important aspect of magic mushrooms is that there should be NO MIXING AT ALL. If you want to trip well, forget about alcohol and psychoactive drugs. We also advocate having a sober friend monitor you while you trip, often known as a trip sitter. It is always beneficial to have someone you can rely on by your side.

  • For beginners, it will provide a state of mind and confidence that a trip will go as planned;
  • For professionals, a trip-sitter will be a “guarantee” of returning to reality and a reliable guide who will be there and help if something goes wrong;
  • Remember that all magic shrooms reports aren’t scientifically proven, it is your responsibility to dose properly and not to cross the brink of propriety.

Make sure you have completed all of your responsibilities ahead of time and that you have 2-4 hours to yourself. To properly weigh your dose, use an electronic balance. Even a modest microgram variation can have a significant impact on the expected outcomes. Remove all worries from your head and don’t expect anything mind-blowing. Each journey is unique, so unwind and put your trust in your new spiritual Teacher.

Golden Teacher – Effects &What to Expect

The entire Golden Teacher trip often lasts between 2 and 5 hours, depending on your prior experience and psilocybin tolerance. The peak is in the first or second hour, with the initial effects visible between 20 and 30 minutes. Unlike other magical mushrooms, Golden Teachers are quite kind; they function quickly but gently to envelop you in a trip. It won’t be long before you lose sight of who you are and what you’re doing. The dosage is a significant aspect that determines your magic mushroom experience; thus, here is a breakdown of the effects at various dosages:


  • Full body relaxation;
  • Felling of a deep connection between your ego and the Universe;
  • Creative way of thinking.

Minimal recreational dose:

  • Mild visuals;
  • A strong flush of thoughts (the ones where you are just a spectator);
  • Deeper look into yourself, rather than social experience.

Full recreational dose:

  • Stronger visual and hearing hallucinations;
  • Something that reminds Synesthesia, when you can see the color of the music or feel a picture;
  • Feeling rejuvenated after a trip.

High dose:

  • Ego transformation;
  • Intense psychological experiences;
  • Euphoria and absolutely new spiritual connections.

Heroic dose:

Nobody knows what will happen if you go that far. Some negative effects, such as nausea and headaches, may arise at this phase, especially if you are new to spiritual trips. Keep in mind that all reports are ambiguous. When you’re tripping, it’s difficult to keep track of what’s going on. So, if you believe in yourself and your tolerance, start modestly and gradually raise the dose.

When to use Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms

Golden Teachers can be used for a variety of purposes. Anything, from recreational use to intense psychedelic experiences. Furthermore, it is the most commonly utilized strain in edibles. Here are some examples of situations in which you can use Golden Teachers:

  • For recreational purposes: a microdose of a Golden Teacher during the festival or other social meeting can increase your mood and make you feel more connected to people around you. You can also take them when going for a walk in a familiar area to feel more connected with nature. In the museum or art gallery, you understand art in greater detail and feel the emotions the painter had;
  • For mental wellness: there are various studies on the official websites that research the safe use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms on the body and for mental disorders treatments. Golden Teacher strain can be one of the first magic mushrooms officially used for PTSD, depression, and other disorders treatment;
  • For spiritual breakthroughs: as it was previously mentioned, the Golden Teacher strain has shamanic properties. It is more psychoactive than psychedelic, meaning that even if it doesn’t give you hallucinations, it still makes you feel mysterious introspections and a sense of oneness with the Universe.

There are numerous ways and reasons to take magic mushrooms, and it will undoubtedly take some time to find the perfect solution for your specific needs. To ensure stress-free and comfortable travel, it is advised to begin in familiar places or at home, in a safe zone. Furthermore, some users notice dizziness after taking a microdose of Golden Teacher. If you tried it at home and are entirely comfortable with it, go out and experience a plethora of new emotions.