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Golden Teacher – Mushrooms Microdosing Capsules – 20 pcs


Golden Teacher microdose capsules contain 50 mg, 100 mg, or 200 mg of the Psilocybe cubensis strain Golden Teacher. It is dried and finely ground, ready to provide you with the full range of positive effects:

  • 50mg – beginner’s dose gives you barely noticeable, sub-perceptual effects;
  • 100 mg – moderate dose enhances cognitive function and focus more notably;
  • 200 mg – high dose for experienced microdoses, who want to get more results or follow a protocol that suggests less frequent administration.

Golden Teachers are well-known for having subtle yet noticeable impacts. We advocate not exceeding the 250 mg dose. You’ll get the necessary relaxation and creativity boost without the high that comes with higher doses.



What is Golden Teacher Mushroom Microdosing?

Golden Teacher microdose capsules contain 50 mg, 100 mg, or 200 mg of the Psilocybe cubensis strain Golden Teacher. It is dried and finely ground, ready to provide you with the full range of positive effects:

  • 50mg – beginner’s dose gives you barely noticeable, sub-perceptual effects;
  • 100 mg – moderate dose enhances cognitive function and focus more notably;
  • 200 mg – high dose for experienced microdosers, who want to get more results or follow a protocol that suggests less frequent administration.

Golden Teachers are famous for their gentle yet noticeable effects. We recommend not to exceed the dose of 250 mg. This way you’ll get the desired relaxation and creativity boost without high that is more common on higher doses.


100% vegetable Golden Teacher microdose capsules have only dried and grounded magic mushroom strains in them. They are easy to swallow and to dose since they already contain a pre-calculated amount of psilocybin.

  • Golden Teacher got their name by a reason, they carefully guide you to the spiritual world of relaxation and mindfulness;
  • Due to their safe and easily controlled positive effects, Golden Teacher magic mushrooms are used almost everywhere from microdosing capsules to magic mushrooms chocolates;
  • Despite Golden Teacher’s mild action it still has something to offer for beginners and experienced users because of its high versatility.

Golden Teacher microdose capsules are the best options for those who look for new ways of thinking and relaxation after a long busy day. By experimenting with the dose (within reason) you can find your “sweet spot” for preferable effects.

How to Microdose Golden Teacher Mushrooms

Microdosing became so popular because it allows you to kill two birds with one stone (sorry birdie) – get psilocybin advantages without the strong high and bodily effects commonly experienced at a full recreational dosage. Here is what common microdosing looks like: Optimal microdose: 50-100 mg, taken 1-2 times daily for 2-4 days;Moderate dose: 100-200 mg, taken 1-2 times daily for 2-5 days It is advised not to surpass a 250 mg dosage as it may result in a more powerful high that is unnecessary in day-to-day life. Always “start low and go slow”: take a single 50 mg capsule, allow 40-60 minutes for it to take effect, and then assess how you feel. You have a limit of 5 capsules per day, everything higher won’t be microdosing and potentially can give you high.

How to Take Golden Teacher Mushrooms Microdose

When you buy your first microdosing bottle with capsules we recommend storing it in a cool dark place and refrain from heating or chewing the capsules, as this might alter their effectiveness. Instead, swallow them whole with a glass of water. For optimal results, consume the capsules on an empty stomach, as this can enhance absorption and potency.  IMPORTANT: Avoid mixing Golden Teacher microdose capsules with alcohol, antidepressants, and other medications, as this could lead to unwanted side effects or interactions. There are various microdosing protocols to consider, as with microdosing consistency is the key.. Whichever protocol you choose, always remember to start with a low dose and carefully monitor your body’s response to adjust your intake accordingly.

The Fadiman Protocol

This protocol was developed by psychologist and father of “microdosing” as a concept James Fadiman. It involves taking a microdose of psilocybin every third day.

  • The dose is typically around 0,2-0,5 grams of dried mushrooms (1 capsule);
  • Take it in the mornings with breakfasts;
  • Repeat for 4 – 8 weeks, then take a break for 2-4 weeks.

It is also advisable to keep a journal to track your experiences.

The Stamets Stack

A famous mycologist Paul Stamets developed a protocol that involves taking a combination of psilocybin, lion’s mane mushroom (non-psychoactive), and niacin (vitamin B3). The idea is that the lion’s mane and niacin help to enhance the cognitive and neurological effects of psilocybin.

  • Take 1 microdose capsule along with Lion’s Mane (50 – 200 mg) and Niacin (100 – 200 mg) for 4 days;
  • 3 days off psilocybin, only Lion’s Mane or completely no substances;
  • Repeat the cycle maximum for a month.

It is advisable to take microdose capsules and Lion’s Mane in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast. Wait for 15-20 min and take niacin. This way you’ll get the best results.

Nightcap Protocol

Unlike previous protocols, Nightcap takes advantage of psilocybin’s ability to make people sleepy and relaxed.

  • 1 microdose capsule before sleep every second day;
  • The second option looks like a modified Fadiman protocol – 1 pill, 2 days off;
  • Repeat the cycle for 4-8 weeks.

It is advisable to take a break for 2 to 4 weeks between protocols to avoid developing tolerance to microdoses of shrooms.

Effects of Microdosing – Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing Golden Teacher capsules have the potential to completely change your vision of life. That’s why they are called “teachers” in the first place. By taking 1 pill each day you will:

  • Improve focus;
  • Become more effective and creative;
  • See the world in a completely new light;
  • Reduce stress and anxiety on a daily basis;
  • Feel up to conversations and be extremely social;
  • Unlock something new about “ordinary” things in life.

With microdosing capsules, it is easy to stay within reason due to their high versatility. Want to feel relaxed after a long tiring day? Take 1 pill. Want to be more creative to finally solve annoying tasks on the job? Take two capsules! Experiment with the doses and experience the whole set of psilocybin benefits easily adjusting them for your needs.